Monday, February 28, 2011

quarter 4 final project

The first step to the completion of the multimedia final project is the development of the project itself. You should have completed research and compiled a minimum of two, count 'em, TWO URLs to sites which give both general information and explain the educational application of the following:
  • machinima
  • digital story telling
  • gaming
THEN, in a minimum of two complete sentences for EACH of the above, answer the following questions.
  1. What is it?
  2. What is its educational (language arts) application?
THEN, offer up an idea for a project, again for each of the above, that will be based on the independent reading of a novel from the Victorian Age.

to complete the assignment, due FRIDAY, MARCH 4, read the following
  • copy your LIVE links and construct your answers on a word processing document
  • copy and paste your completed response as a comment to this blog


  1. 1. Machinima is the use of 3D digital graphics to create a cinema.
    2. The educational use is that it is currently being used in corporations to teach employees how to do their job the same ideology can be used to teach students.
    3. An idea for a project of the victorian era is to set up a movie where all the characters have role playing costumes and then being able to record a video.

    1. Digital Story telling is the use of computer based tools to create a story.
    2. The educational use is another way to present teaching to kids that have a visual learning style.
    3. Students can record a live video and then act out the parts.

    1. Gaming is the use of an organized playable form of entertainment.
    2. It can capture interest in a classroom.
    3. A game of jeopardy where answers are corresponding to the victorian era.

  2. Machinima

    Machinima is defined at the use of real-time 3D computer graphics rendering engines to create a cinematic production. This could be useful in education because it allow students to learn while watching state of the art 3D graphics. We could utilize this for a project on a book set in the Victorian era by taking clips from games set in that time such as “Fable” or “Lord of the Rings”.

    -Digital Story Telling

    Digital Story Telling is defined as practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories. This has educational applications because once again we can teach students to make them and become more familiar with the computer and it would be interesting to see. We could utilize this for a project on a book set in the Victorian era by using a flash animation of the book characters in a flash creator.

    Gaming more specifically video gaming is defined as is any electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. Educational games have existed since gaming has with games such as “Oregon Trail” that taught students about the Oregon trail and by pretending to be a part of this time period helped them better understand the key concepts. We could utilize this for a project on a book set in the Victorian era by making a flash game based on a Victorian book that involves period facts and information that will allow students to get more in depth with the time period.

  3. 1. Machinima is the use of 3D digital graphics to create a cinema.
    2. It is used educationally to teach and educate individuals in offices and corporations to teach the employees to perform their task and jobs.
    3. An idea for a project relating back to the Victorian era is to showcase Jessica and I during our webcam show and have us during the program interview a character from our novel.

    1.Digital Story telling is the technological way of story telling and creating by using your computer.
    2.The educational use for digital story telling is giving students who learn visually the opportunity to learn and comprehend visual graphs and scripts in a more in depth view.
    3.Indivduals and create a play and script and role play the scene.

    1. Gaming is a interactive, virtual form of entertainment.
    2. The educational use for gaming is it can engage more students to want to study their lesson due to them being able to not be bored by the book but instead have a mental and physical interaction with their work.
    3. A game such as the Leap Frog gaming system not only is a game but it is more of a learning tool teaching children that learning can also be fun.

  4. 1. Machinima is the use of 3D digital graphics to create a cinema.
    2. It is used educationally to teach and educate individuals in offices and corporations to teach the employees to perform their task and jobs.
    3. An idea for a project relating back to the Victorian era is to showcase Jessica and I during our webcam show and have us during the program interview a character from our novel.

    1.Digital Story telling is the technological way of story telling and creating by using your computer.
    2.The educational use for digital story telling is giving students who learn visually the opportunity to learn and comprehend visual graphs and scripts in a more in depth view.
    3.Indivduals and create a play and script and role play the scene.

    1. Gaming is a interactive, virtual form of entertainment.
    2. The educational use for gaming is it can engage more students to want to study their lesson due to them being able to not be bored by the book but instead have a mental and physical interaction with their work.
    3. A game such as the Leap Frog gaming system not only is a game but it is more of a learning tool teaching children that learning can also be fun.

  5. Machinima

    Machinima is the use of 3-Dimensional computer graphics to create a film/presentation. It can be used for educational purposes by allowing students to watch, and, more importantly, pay attention to, the 3-D characters/subjects that literally portray what is supposed to be understood. The idea for a presentation/film based on a Victorian Age novel would be to have an informative video on what and what not to do in society in the Victorian Age, using characters from the novel itself and how their actions affected the path of the story.

    Digital Storytelling

    Digital Storytelling is the use of digital tools for ordinary people to make films based on their own real-life stories. It can be used to educate students by letting the students create/watch each others digital short films based on the subjects being taught in the classroom. The idea for the Victorian Era novel would be that the students can create a film that reviews a single character's actions throughout the novel, and an argument to defend or disagree with whether or not the character's actions were right/wrong.


    Gaming, specifically video gaming, is the interaction of an interface to virtually control an object in a 3-D world. For educational purposes, the students can play a game that helps them understand the point of what is being discussed in the classroom, whether the teacher created it or if it's a game for a console. For the Victorian project, the students can create a video game that, again, follows one of the characters from the novel and which "levels" and "bosses" they had to overcome in order to gain the emotional closure that happens in the end of the story.

  6. -Machinima

    Machinima is the use of 3-d animation to teach and tell a story. It can be used in education to provide a real world-like scenario in education challenging the students capabilities in their own mind

    -Digital Story Telling

    Digital Storytelling is the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories. It can be used in the classroom to show a short presentation or video explaining something. Possibly an explanation of class expectations, a new upcoming assignment, or even an assignment given by the instructor.


    Gaming is the the act of playing a game for entertainment, however it's more focused on the expression of ideas. Gaming can be used in education to learn from doing, or playing the game. Games, if done right, can become a powerful tool to get groups to work together.

  7. -Machinima
    Machinima is a form of filmmaking that uses computer game technology to shoot films in the virtual reality using a game engine.
    -Digital storytelling
    Are multimedia projects combining text, images, audio and video files into short film clips.

    Gaming is playing something for fun or entertainment.

  8. Machinima is the use of 3-Dimensional computer graphics to create a film/presentation and virtually interactive, Also digital storytelling. It can help with educational purposes capturing students attention because they can to watch it, and they pay even more attention to the 3D characters/subjects are portray in a way that makes students more easy to understand.

  9. Machinima
    Machinima is the use of real-time 3D computer graphics rendering engines to create a cinematic production.

    Digital Storytelling.
    Digital Storytelling is the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories. As with traditional storytelling, most digital stories focus on a specific topic and contain a particular point of view.

    Gaming is the playing of a game. Gaming may also refer to: A synonym for Gambling; playing games of chance for money.

  10. Machinima

    1.)Machinima is the use of reat-time 3D computer graphics rendering engines to create a cinematographic production.
    2.)Machinima can be used in the workplace to show the employees how to do their job without a presence of an instructor. It can be used in the schools to show students how to do a project effectively.
    3.)A good project would be to record a video with people dressed as Victorian playing a part of a scene from the chosen book.

    Digital Storytelling

    1.)Digital Storytelling is using tools so that ordinary people can tell their own real-life stories.
    2.)Digital Storytelling can help students learn literature and comprehension skills in education if Digital Storytelling was used in schools.
    3.)A good project involving Digital Storytelling would be to create a summary of the Victorian novel chosen to read and present it to the class.

    1.Gaming is the running is specialized applications and they are used to create an idea of entertainment to be played on specific systems for entertainment and learning purposes.
    2.Gaming can be used in education by being able to create a game for students to make learning of any subject fun and entertaining. Most kids that play games involving learning often learn things faster than kids that just use books.
    3.A good project involving gaming is to find a website that lets us put the main character of our novel into a game that tells players about the plot of our book.

  11. 1.) Machinima – is the used of real-time 3D computers graphics to create a cinematic production.
    a. It is used to teach and to educate individuals by performing their tasks and what they have in their jobs with their employees.
    b. An idea for the project would be having the characters from the novel and how their lives affect the story that is being told.

    2.) Digital storytelling – it is a tool to tell stories from a specific topic and from a certain point of view.
    a. It is used to educate the person by allowing them to watch the video.
    b. An idea for this project would be having a part from the story to be played and acted or also having an argument about to see how their life is different from time to time.
    3.) Gaming – the playing of a game
    a. An educational purpose would be to create a video game in which they are able to understand what happen
    b. An idea would be to interpret what the story had said or what they learned from reading it by creating a game.


    MACHINIMA- The next generation video entertainment network for video gamers. It provides comprehensive gaming-focused editorial and community programming to the hard-to-reach core 18 – 34 year old male demographic.

    Idea- Choose a video game (i.e. Sims, GTA IV, etc...) to recreate a scene or a chapter of our choice book.

    DIGITAL STORYTELLING- Is a new term, arising from a grassroots movement that uses new digital tools to help ordinary people tell their own 'true stories' in a compelling and emotionally engaging form. These stories are usually short (less than 8 minutes) and can be interactive.

    Idea- Download a program that will allow us to create a story based on our choice book

    GAMING- The playing of video games. The video game might be realted to the story from Victorian books.

    Idea- Play the actual video games related to the book. For example, 'Lord of the Rings: The Video Game' might give us an idea on how the story develops, and be interacted at the same time.

  13. Machinima is the 3D graphics in a virtual world. It gives people the opportunity to be whom they want where they want.
    2. It is used educationally to teach students to use their critical thinking skills, it opens there eyes to something different then just doing a Power Point.
    3. An idea for a project could be to make a amusment type game to make you feel like you are at a place like Disney World.

    1.Digital Story telling is a way of story telling and a way of escaping reality.
    2.The educational use for digital story telling is good for students to cetch there interest to something new. .

    1. Gaming is a place where you have control of everything you can even fly.
    2. The educational use for gaming is that more students would rather play a game then read a book so it would capture the student’s attention more.
    3. A game is fun to children and adults alike and they mostly include money or even virtual prizes.


    1.The word "machinima" comes from the word ""machine" and "cinema". It describe the process of creating real-time animation by manipulating a videogame's engine and assets.
    2.Is educational due to the entertaining graphics of 3D.
    3.Creating a 3D character of Dracula

    1.The modern way of storytelling with the use of images, music, narrative and voice.
    2.Students and teachers can search the web for any audio and video clips to teach them about a certain era or topic.
    3.Creating a video clip of Dracula. It could informational, explaining the time period and the people or just a video clip of the novel itself in 5 to 10 min.

    1.The act of playing a video game.
    2.Nowadays there a lot of games that is very informational even when it does not seem like it. There are games that takes places in certain eras or time period that describes and explain how people behaved and dress.
    3.Creating a video game of Dracula that shows the way characters dress and behaved. Also, how the location looked liked (houses, land, town/city).



    1. Machinima is where a student makes a movie using characters from video games.
    2. A student can use machinima in order to retell a story they learned about or created themselves.
    3. An idea would be to act out a scene of a book we read by using machinima.

    digital story telling:

    1. Digital Storytelling is where a student uses computer based element in order to tell a story.
    2. A student can use his or her creative mind to piece together clips, sounds, and pictures to tell a desired story.
    3. An idea would be to summarize a book we read by using digital storytelling.


    1. Gaming is the playing of a game
    2. Using gaming in educational settings opens the doors for new possibilities in teaching and learning.
    3. An idea would be to assign some sort of game play that has to do with what we are reading, such as Age of Empires.


    Machinima links:
    B.) Machinima uses 3D graphics to create a cinematic production that visually and realistically teaches a student or an employee. Machinima puts the person right into the virtual action.
    C.) Machinima can be used in class by effectively showing the students how life was in specific periods of time. After reading a novel from the Victorian Age, the instructor may create a scene of the novel to further the student’s understanding.

    Story links:
    B.) Virtual story telling is when a computer is used to technically educate a student and tell a story. Short films, slide shows and power points are examples.
    C.) Virtual Story Telling can be used in education by making more information accessible to the student. Much like in college if the student does not fully understand a lecture they can always go back over a short film the teacher has created.

    Gaming links:
    B.) Gaming is defined as an interactive form of entertainment through a virtual world and 3D graphics. Gaming requires attention and hand/eye coordination that keeps many parts of the brain active. It is only obvious to take advantage of an already active brain and make it subconsciously learn at the same time.
    C.) For a Victorian project gaming can be used to created a world that a character from the novel must go through. The game would be set up as the novel was and test the students memory and help them grasp a better understanding of the novel.


    1. Machinima is the use of real-time three-dimensional (3-D) graphics rendering engines to generate computer animation.
    2. This could be useful to students by allowing them to be creative. It's an open landscape where inexpensive virtual movie sets, props, costumes, and characters may be created to meet specialized educational purposes.
    3. An idea would be to show how one person in the Victorian Age lives and interacts.

    Digital Storytelling
    1.Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling using technology.
    2. This could be educational by developing enhanced communication skills by learning to organize their ideas, ask questions, express opinions, and construct narratives.
    3. The idea would be to show the life a characters in the novel and present them to the class.

    1. Gaming is the act of electronic games that focuses on interaction.
    2. Gaming could be useful to learn how to interact with others and teach while playing the same game
    3. Based on the Victorian Age, an idea could be to play a game in the life a character and see causes and effects from the choices you(they) made.,,sid9_gci1241429,00.html


    • Machinima in education
    1. Machinima is filmmaking created through the real-time recording of computer games, virtual worlds or any already-existing 3D digital environment or virtual world.
    2. Its educational use is too educated and influence students and other into expressing themselves in other ways.
    3. An idea for this maybe having vampires from the victoria era that are still alive today speak of how it was to live in that era and how different it is now.
    • Digital story telling
    1. Digital story telling is a modern way of storytelling using technology.
    2. It interests the audience and it is easier to follow.
    3. Create a story using visuals
    • Gaming
    1. Electronic game that involves a visual interaction with a user.
    2. Its educational application is used to inspire people to use their imagination.
    3. Create a city with many murders and have one investigator try to solve the crime.


    1. machinima is the use of 3D digital graphics to create cinema. 2. the educational use is that it is currently being used in corporations to teach employees and students. 3. an idea for a project of the victorian era is to organize the charecters and the scene in order to get the effects of the Victorian setting.

    1. digital story telling is the use of computer based tools to create a story. 2. the educational use is another way to teach kids or even adults who might be visual learners. not everyone learns the same way therefore it is a good idea to find other techniques in order to teach people. 3. students can learn about the characters and re enact the events then they can record the work that they have done.;jsessionid=67FCDFA61AF54197920F30DCD0850599?doi=

    1.gaming is the use of an organized playable form of entertainment. 2. it allow the students to become more involved and interested. 3. a game such as sentence relay is educational, and it teaches children how to speak Spanish but it can also be used for other languages as well. thus making it a diverse learning tool.


    MACHINIMA -faq.html

    It what reality cannot provide in this non-fiction world. It filming with the advantages of using virtual environment and 3D interactions. In other words, it a mix of filmmaking, animation and game development. Machinima is real-world filmmaking techniques that interact with the avatar character where an event can be created by humans, scripts or artificial intelligence. By using machinima, we could react a dramatic scene from the novel of the Victorian Age which could be a child for us students.


    Together with text and images combine, with narration in the student’s own voice to form a short scene of a movie, is digital movie of story telling. Summing in it up, Digital Storyteller is a web-based tool that offers teachers and students access to digital images and materials that enable them to construct compelling personal narratives. Taking a simple dialogue from the Victorian novel and find images to related to it to give other student a chance to understand the novel better would correspond with the project.


    Modern video and computer games offer a rich landscape of adventure and challenge that appeal to a growing number of players around the world. Games capture and hold the attention of players for hours as they struggle to operate a successful walkthrough of the game. An educational game, one designed for learning, is a subset of both play and fun. It is a melding of educational content, learning principles, and computer games. A perfect game would be “portal”, for it encryption involving mathematics polygonal equation solving and timing in solving puzzle. The virtual world in the gaming world involve perception and adaption of certain situation. A project for this would be able to make a program or idea to make students not find Victorian novel boring by making a board game out of it with prizes and deadly consequences

  21. Taylor has left a new comment on your post "quarter 4 final project":

    Machinima –
    It creates a cinematic production that is the use of real-time 3D computer graphics rendering through engines. “The term is used to distinguish between traditional animation techniques and animation projects that record the action in real-time interactive 3D environments, such as single-player video games or Second Life.” You would be able to see the plots in the readings before your eyes.
    • You could make a video game about how they survived in the Victorian age.

    Digital Story Telling –
    Is a modern expression of the ancient storytelling. A new digital tool that helps ordinary people tell their own 'true stories’ and making the stories more compelling and emotionally engaging. The stories are usually short and can be interactive and usually run less than 8 min. Have the characters point of view break down.
    • Have it in interview form of each person’s point of view in the book.

    Gaming –
    Is the playing of a game no matter the kind of game. It can be video gaming, mind games, role playing games, table top games, and etc. also they have advanced gaming so that you can do it online. this would help in Lang arts because we would get to see the points of views of the characters and get to try and figure out what they did and experience it yourself.,,sid9_gci1241429,00.html
    • You can find a game that would be similar to the Victorian book and play it to see how you would go through situations like the book.



    1.) Use of computer graphics and animation to produce a cinematic production. Games are common elements used in computer animation
    2.) It is used in offices, corporate businesses, etc. to show employees/students how to perform specific tasks and handle various situations
    3.) An idea would for a presentation would be to have a POV of the maids and maidservants and how they view the upper society in which they are serving, and experiences they’ve had

    Digital Story Telling

    Digital Storytelling
    1.) Technological way of producing a short story, whether your own, or based off of something else
    2.) Creates a visual for students
    3.) Filming a scene


    1.) Playing a game; interacting with a form of virtual entertainment
    2.) Engages students in an alternative form of learning , combining various learning methods, such as convergers and divergers
    3.) A good game for this assignment would be an interactive, free-range game in which students choose specific characters and interact with the virtual world around them as they complete tasks and missions


    1) Machinima is a 3D world, that you creat along with an avatar to repersent any character.
    2) This is useful for education becuase it allows students to use their creative skills to repersent ascene from a book into a visual story.

    Digital Storytelling
    1)Using computer programs to virtualy create a story.
    2)Educational aspects are creative/critical thinking and become more familiar with more advance technology.

    1) Gaming is the interaction with a person and a video device alowing a person to control and manipulate a story.
    2) Gaming is a great education tool because it allows the user to develop and create their own relem. This is were a students creatvity can shine through the creations of the new world and story.



    Machinima is filmmaking within a live 3d video game type atmosphere. Others can log on, and walk these virtual worlds, with buildings etc.

    Machinima is applied to education through the arts. Some ways teachers use it, is to have their students demonstrate set designs, costuming, etc..

    Idea: Machinima can be used as a project by having students create a virtual world resembling the world they read about in the book.

    Digital Storytelling

    Digital Storytelling is using computer based tools to develop a story. Images, video clips, audio narration, and music. Is edited together to tell a story.

    Digital Storytelling is applied to education by recreating historical events, and exploring life in other communities. It is another way of helping us gain knowledge through visual and audio synchronizing.

    Idea: Digital Storytelling can be used by having students, gather images, possibly video clips and create there own audio narratives summarizing the books they’ve read.


    Gaming is the act of playing games. It is using an electronic system, with visuals and audio, and is controlled typically a handheld controller.

    Gaming is applied to education by adding a fun way to addressing concepts learned in the classroom. It also gives students a chance to practice, what they learned.

    Idea: Gaming can be utilized by having students play Victorian Age games, too (though through another person’s interpretation) live a life similar to the characters in their Victorian Aged book. They could possibly critique the games as well.


    richard has left a new comment on your post "quarter 4 final project":

    machinima- Is a form of 3-d story telling, using some kind of programing. For educational reasons some corporations use these programs to teach new workers. For a project you could take a video or flash program and parody.

    Digital Story- Is telling story with the use of computer based tools to create a story. The educational use is making something like a slide show to tell a story. For a project you could make a slide show to summarize the book in a few minutes.

    Gaming- Is a form of competition with a number of people. It is also a form of entertainment using multimedia. For a project you could make a jeopardy game.


    Machinima is a new 3-d, animation in which people are able to create and simulate various stories with 3-d characters.
    It is educational in the aspect that you can create a whole lesson in a fun and educational way, all through 3-d graphics and voice overs.

    Digital story telling

    Digital story telling is exactly what the name says, it is story telling through the use of technology, such as computers. It can be educational by using the story telling factor and create a lesson plan or search up a certain story that pertains to your actual lesson.

    Gaming is the act of playing a video game for entertainment, or pleasure. It can be educational by selecting a game that denotes or canotes to a specific event in your class, it allows the students to have fun and learn at the same time.


    - Machinima

    1. Machinima is filmmaking within a real-time, 3D virtual environment, often using 3D video-game technologies. It is the convergence of filmmaking, animation and game development. Machinima is real-world filmmaking techniques applied within an interactive virtual space where characters and events can be either controlled by humans, scripts or artificial intelligence.
    2. Machinima can be used educationally because it is one way for students to work with high-powered media production tools with relatively little cost. A student team could be a complete film crew, learning skills ranging from script writing, prop making, clothes design to filming, sound and editing. Students can also learn about camera work, such as how to use the alt-zoom camera, the SL interface camera, how to set up shots, including wide, medium, close and over shoulder shots etc, leading to a valuable knowledge of film, media and film grammar. Production skills which used to be only taught to professionals in the creative industries can now be accessed by students of all ages. Machinima can be an effective way of teaching language arts because everyone is fascinated by this medium, and enjoys and pays attention to the content. Training videos, written materials, and even personal in-servicing tend to be boring and are often ineffective, requiring frequent and expensive follow-up by both supplier and hospital educators. Avatars are compelling.
    3. An idea for a project relating back to the Victorian era is to have a video in which the audience can see the importance of the Art movements of the Victorian era, which include Classicism, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Impressionism, and Post-Impressionism. Classicism and Neoclassicism

    - Digital Story Telling

    1. Digital storytelling is a multimedia, multisensory opportunity for storytelling. It can integrate any combination of TV and movie clips, home or personal video, photographs, music, text, and narration. It has a definite point of view and purpose.
    2. Digital Storytelling can be used for educational purposes by having students watch digital stories produced by other students, teachers, etc., to build an understanding of new information, of society, of cultures, and for personal enjoyment. It can be used as a more effective way to grasp the attention of the students and give them a deeper and more visualize understanding of a lesson.
    3. Digital Storytelling can be utilized for a project on a book of the Victorian Age to impart knowledge and traditions of the era. It can be used to explain the events in the novel in a more diverse way for the better understanding of the material.

    - Gaming

    1. Gaming is the playing of games, especially those developed to teach something or to help solve a problem or for the mere use of entertainment. The act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning.
    2. Gaming can be used in education as a way to unite students. The idea of a game will lead to socializing between students and spark their interest in the lesson. Through gaming, students may find a way to relate to a lesson or a discussion in class.
    3. Gaming can be used for a Victorian project as a way to create a game that follows an obstacle in the novel.
